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Showing posts from April, 2017

Who Will Bell the Cat?

Some mice had a huge dilemma that caused them to hold a meeting. The agenda? A cat who constantly threatened their lives. At the meeting, the mice recited a long list of grievances. They resolved to put a bell around the cat's neck so that they could hear when he approached. They all rejoiced until a little mouse raised his hand and asked- "but who will bell the cat?"  A hush fell and till now, no one has belled the cat. Who will bell the cats in our lives? For a long time, humanity faced such a problem- the problem of sin and death. The Law pointed out the problem and said, "this is what you have to do to become righteous". But just as the mice could not bell the cat, the law didn't give man the ability to become righteous. For the law made nothing perfect. On the other hand a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God. Hebrews 7:19(NET) For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God send...

That Dirty Rag

Would you pick your one cedi note if it fell into a gutter? Probably not.  Even if it was your last cedi? Most likely, you’d look at the gutter and the things floating in it, wrinkle your nose in disgust at the smell and let it go…even of it means you have to walk home. After all, even if you remove it, there’s nothing you can do to make it better. Surely, you might reconsider if it was your phone, purse or wallet, but not that that dirty rag. That dirty rag which was once a clean white handkerchief. That dirty rag which in its lifetime had been used to wipe sweat, water, dirt, blood, your shoes and other things until it could no longer be recognized as a handkerchief. That once-white handkerchief which had turned some unidentifiable colour which you kept at the side of your bag for wiping your shoes. Who would bend down to pick that not-too-valuable rag that had fallen into the disgusting, smelly gutter? Only Jesus would. Only Jesus would do something that people ...

Dumsor Reflections

It’s six pm. You’ve had a long and tiring day. You leave the lecture hall as fast as you can, thinking about taking a bath, eating and relaxing in your room. But immediately you get to your room, the lights go out. “Ohhh ECG!” You probably scream. But go out for a while. Do you see something? Have you noticed that the nights the lights are out, the lights of the moon and stars are more easily seen and are brighter and more beautiful? Have you ever paused to reflect on that? In this world, we’ve surrounded ourselves with so many things and put on our artificial lights so bright that they create a haze around us and the light of God is not able to shine as brightly as it should in our lives. All the activities we’re doing are good, but if in the end they don’t leave us with time to fellowship with God, then it’s all vanity. It’s good to give in to your cravings and pamper yourself once in a while but when the desires of the flesh don’t allow you to exercise self-control and hi...

Jacob's Story

                            He was an old man.  Though he had lived a full life, he had his regrets and sorrows too. He had seen things and done things, had lived a rich and full life, but the sorrow of burying his beloved wife would never entirely leave him.  She had died young, dearly beloved, during childbirth. But at least the child had survived, and he loved the child fiercely, together with the first child his wife gave birth to. But the older son too was dead. He had been killed by a wild animal and all that was left of him was a blood stained coat he himself had made for the boy. The future looked bleak now. There was a drought and a severe famine.  No rain, no food. Just dust, and thirst and heat. What use was gold in such a time when there was no food to buy with the gold and they couldn't eat the gold too? But he had heard reports that there was food in Egypt. So he sent his ...

A Reflection

Luke 12:22 And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on 23 The life is more than meat and the body is more than raiment. I’ve come to see how true this is. We read the Bible and this scripture is so easy to quote. But what about doing it? Many of us are worried about what we’ll eat or what we’ll wear. Which hairstyle do we do next? Weave, clip-ins, wig or braids? Curly or straight? Long or short? Black, brown, red or gold? What about our nails? What colour do we paint them? Which shoes? Which lashes? Which makeup? Which phone, which tablet? Which laptop? Which car? Which flavour of  ice cream ? For many of us, our lives revolve around our bodies. Yet Jesus said life is more than food and the body more than clothing. Is it really true? The Apostle John said in 1 John 2:15, 16 15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love th...

Crab Tales

           CRAB TALES On Saturday, I went to Dome market to buy food items. While there, I was assaulted by a variety of sounds and smells. One smell that dominated was the pungent smell of live crabs heaped up in a large bowl to be sold. They moved, crawled and heaved as each crab tried to move upwards, perhaps for some fresh air. As I walked on, I noticed a movement on the ground and saw one little crab scuttling along on the ground. It had managed to escape from the bowl and was now far from the crab seller, gleefully moving to a life of freedom -or so it thought. As I contemplated using my leg to shift it from the middle of the road to the side, one of the people who thronged the market bypassed me, stepped on the crab and moved on, unaware that they had brought the crab’s world crashing down. source: tpsdave The crab was hurt but not dead. As I gently pushed it to the s...
Hi everyone! How did you celebrate the Easter? Mine was full of sleeping and meditation. Thank God for the great love with which He loved us. Here's an Easter poem to keep you going. A Helpless God? He walked on this earth in great power He healed the sick, raised the dead Above normal mortals, He seemed to tower He spoke with authority And taught the people Shocked and amazed every entity The crowds followed Him, curious To see miracles and eat bread For to them, His claims were really spurious Frowning, they tugged their turbans The Pharisees sought to kill Him For His fame had gone rural and urban Yet He seemed unkillable Yet He was untouchable This Son of man, so irresistible But at the moment of reckoning, His "luck" wasn't endless And so it seemed, That for a moment, God was helpless He who had walked in power Now unable to move a finger His disciples began to cower The people mocked, the women w...

muse of a mouse

Sometimes, when i think about the greatness of God and imagine myself standing before Him in His majestic holiness, I feel as small as a mouse. Lol. I don't know if others also experience this, but this is a poem a wrote sometime back about that feeling. MUSE OF A MOUSE Coming full circle From light to darkness And darkness back to light The mouse finds herself in pristine white light Groping for a cover Scrambling for the shadows Trying to hide From the light of the Almighty But alas, in this place no darkness dwells God is light in whom there is no darkness Nor shadow of turning Realizing that she has nowhere to hide The mouse coils herself up Whiskers nervously twitching Hiding her unworthiness and shame From the eyes of the Almighty Was not this the moment she had desired? Was not this the longing of lifetime? To stand in the presence of the Almighty And walk in His pristine white palace? But standing before His Majestic Holiness All she kn...