Are You Married Before You Are Married?
This is what the Bible says.
You might be unmarried right now but is there someone who you mostly do
things to please? Do you wear the clothes you wear to please that person or
mostly to look good for that person? Do you constantly buy things you know the
person would like, do things that will make the person happy or go to places
because you know it would please that person?
Do you find yourself, making the choices you make, even
inconveniencing yourself just to please that person? Do you find yourself
constantly thinking about how to please that person, even more than you think
about making God happy?
Do you think about the person more than God? Would you instantly give all your money to
the person if he/she needed it but find it hard to empty your pocket or bank
account if it was needed for God's work?
Do you constantly make choices that involve the person or
with the person in mind?
Think about it. The scriptures say that it is married people
who think about how to please their spouses. An unmarried person is to live his
or her life thinking about how to please God, not men. This doesn’t mean that
as a married person, you are to make your spouse your idol though.
It doesn't mean it is wrong to be in a relationship or to
consider that “someone” when making choices that could affect them.
However, it is wrong when everything you do is about the
person. When you think about the person more than God, you are actually married
before you are married, and even worse, you are in danger of making the person
your idol.
Prayerfully consider this, and may God give us wisdom.