The king was sick. He was 39 years old, he was rich and powerful, and he not yet had the son he desired so much. Yes, he was a good man but yes, he was going to die.
He knew he would die because God said so. God had specifically sent a message asking him to get his house in order because he was going die.
And as he looked before and behind him, at the life he had lived, the dreams he had dreamed, the children he thought he would have, thirty-nine years seemed too short. As he remembered his service and love for God and the greatness of God's mercy, King Hezekiah refused to give up.
He went on his knees and prayed to God. God had passed his sentence and only God could revoke that sentence. He prayed, knowing that although he had done his best to serve God, ultimately, his life depended on God's mercy and only God could change things for him.
And God heard him.
And God answered.
And God sent back the prophet Isaiah
And God healed him.
And God added fifteen more years to his life.
Hold on to God. Hear Him for yourself. Never give up. Even when it looks hopeless, remember, God's mercy is greater than you can imagine. Hold on to God.
(2 Kings 20)
Selah🤔 _do I pray to God no matter what I hear?_
- Amesiamina♡